The narrative elaborates on The Tale of Sleeping Beauty in a most deviant and erotic way. In the first book, The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, Beauty is rescued by the handsome prince only to be dragged away naked from her homeland to his castle where she lives as his prized slave enduring all manner of punishment and erotic education.
I am in the very beginning pages of the second book right now, Beauty's Punishment. The dear little Beauty has wilfully disobeyed her Prince and been sent to the dreaded village to be auctioned off with the other naughty slaves for a summer's worth of servitude and degradation by the commoners. She has just been claimed as the personal slave of the uncompromsingly dominant Captain of the Guard. Their latest scene had me running to the bathroom after work to care for my quivering, wet little pussy.
My nether regions inevitably pulse and tingle each time I pick up these books. It probes at my deepest, darkest desires that I dare not speak aloud. It delves into my wish to submit, to bend to another's will no matter what the cost. Paradoxically, there seems to be such freedom found in such submission.
For those among you who share my kinks, I think you will find this a wonderfully delicious read.
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